Babywearing FAQs

Q. What are the benefits and limitations of Peek-a-Pouches?
A. In general, pouches are among the easiest to learn in babywearing. With no buckles, snaps or
rings to adjust, all one needs to do is to just fold it and put it on... and the baby is ready to go
in ;)
However, because pouches is size specific, it is IMPORTANT to find the right size for
comfortable and stress-free babywearing.

Q. What are the benefits and limitations of Peek-a-Wraps?
A. While wraps may have a complicated and steep learning curve, many would agree that it is
the ultimate and most flexible option to babywearing. Read my blog post on "Why Wrap When There Are So Many Carriers Available?"

Q. Which carrier should I choose?
A. Carriers option are up to personal preferences. Read more here. However, it is recommended
that those new to babywearing start with a pouch rather than a wrap.

Q. When is it best to get a carrier?
A. I would personally suggest that a carrier is purchased before welcoming new baby to the
world as you may not have time and energy enough to start looking for one when your baby
has arrived. For this purpose, all Peek-a-Pouches are offered on a term of exchange within 30
days of expected due date provided that such information was provided before the order is

Q. How long can carriers from Peekaroobaby last?
A. Carriers durability really depends on how it is being used. Read here for more.

In short, the many other aspects to answering the question include:

  • how often you wear it
  • the duration of it being used each time
  • how often the sling is washed
  • how do you dry your sling (the dryer will take some time off the sling for sure)
  • the weight of the baby being worn

Q. How do I care for my carriers from Peekaroobaby?
A. Caring for your carriers from Peekaroobaby is easy. Just machine wash cold and line dry.
Remember, though, DO NOT BLEACH - bleaching could break the construction of the
fabric and may shorten the life of your carrier.

Got a question but can't find an answer here? Email Jess-at-Peekaroobaby-dot-com